Friday, July 11, 2008

mr computer totally restarted on me as i was preparing food. good thing i hadnt written a lot yet haha.

anyway im going to put five billion things in a nutshell like i always do. allen came to visit these past few days. we went to mini gasshuku at tsukuba together which was pretty intense but full of earth quaking fun - literally haha. non-gasshuku days were spent at school! the kiddies seemed to appreciate talking to another native speaker of english, but i cant help but think theyve been kinda ripped off i guess because allen is, well, asian. haha.

mostly i cooked random stuff for lunch and dinner during the time we werent at tsukuba and for his last night we ate at the best ramen place ive been to this year - houjun: this cozy, little up-in-the-residential-zone restaurant where the manager kept on telling us how cool and international we were lol. i was going off a recomendation from one of my teacher buddies hehe. but seriously, the food was great.

my 1-8 kids kicked so much ass today playing word association game! we even did a 'back in the states' pace and they were tearing it up! they looked oh so happy to not be in their textbooks. smoothest part of the lesson was when this one boy got the word "cute." for his word, he looked back at the girl who said "cute" to him and said, "you" all smoothlike. the rest of the class was like /squeal and then he was like /smoothaura "well, you ARE cute yknow." then the class was like /squeal x 10

magical. just magical =D

this black and green cache dress i got like 4 or so years ago at Tahoe with mom is the dress im going to wear to the 2008 sayonara party tomorrow. im looking on youtube for hair ideas at the moment... and i went out and bought some matching earrings and a jeweled hairpin for kicks too haha. i think i'll go practice this promish updo now.

oh i also got this ridiculous black leathery ring bracelet grunge skull timepiece thing, and im totally gonna wear it to comiket and TGS lol.

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