Monday, February 15, 2010

so i have another 'vacation' of sorts to be excited about again: pip and jakes coming to japan!
they've planned most of their time in the osaka + kyoto areas, which is good especially with the sakura firing away haha. i think what i'll end up doing is catch them on their first day of osaka or last day of kyoto or something. still have yet to iron details out.

on a related topic, i think i'm officially ready for spring to come! after being in such heavy snow i've come to realize that it simply is just NOT my element lol. though i must say as a CA kid, i thought i adapted fairly well to the frosty weather. i mean, our michigan buddy was having a harder time than me in hokkaido lol. cant wait to be back in CA...

oh, i gave up on an oekaki yesterday i was working on... i was using shi-painter... but i never use shi-painter for oekaki - im pretty comfortable with paintiBBS, and love oekakiBBS even more, but i had never really liked shi-painter that much... but yesterday i decided to give it a try and man, was that a lot of frustration. i was so frustrated i didnt even bother taking a screenShot of the work i did before closing the whole firefox window in disgust. it really was that bad haha.

i will now try to redeem myself with in paintBBS with whatever drawing that may appear lol.

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